Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Videogame's Influence on People Part 1: Strategy Games

Video games influence people. Negatively and positively. I'll continue my Flash hunt series tomorrow, so, this ought to tide you over. I decided to go to some friends who happen to play strategy games. Before I start, let's do a quick analysis of strategy games

Chess and Go these are some of the oldest strategy games. They require tactics, trickery and guessing. Ever read the Art of War? It has some things that can help you with strategy games. You'd figure strategy games will make you smart? Some strategy games are more action-oriented, like Warcraft 3, some RTS's, or Starcraft.

First, I'll visit some of their communities. I'll start with the Warcraft community.
I come across astupid thread about some weird revamps and flat out incorrect info.
There goes the lack of strategy making you smarter. This must be an isolated incident!
I quick come across this shit. Great forum! "Who is hands down the gayesy b!tch in these forums" "Hands down it's Seyla[Original poster]" He said himself didn't count. Okay, Warcraft 3 doesn't seem to be that intelligent...

Okay, let's try a Supreme Commander 2 forum, I've always wanted to play it. This forum seems to be slightly more intelligent, I see a weird topic title "I miss you", it's something about an old feature. Apparently, Supereme Commander 2 breaks the law of e=mc^2(This usually is brought up in sci-fi to counteract being faster than light, this theory says it isn't possible, e=mc^2 says that you'd need an infinite amount of energy to move faster than light) No one tell him about the Sci-fi genre, he'll be awfully mad! Well, this community seems to be more intelligent, the posts too. And, the posts were thoughtful with the exception of one member.

According to science, I need 3 trials. Let's try a Civ forum. I see a really stupid post. He says animals need to be more realistic in that game. He says tigers need to eat more people, bears, sharks attacking boats, etc. So far, Civ seems to be at middle with the intelligence of the three games. The normal posts seem to have less thought in them.

My conclusion: Yes, strategy games do have an effect on people, of course. They can bring you to a 4chan person, or, into the next Sun Tzu. But, be careful of which ones you pick. Supreme Commander is much more massive scale.