Thursday, June 3, 2010

My hunt for an "Addicting" Flash Game: Part 2

If this post seems rushed, that's because I was busy. has been a major disappointment. Kongregate's pretty popular.

"Summon and control the undead forces, conquer the world by killing any human who stands in the way. "

By Toge Productions
If you've played any of the Infectonater games, this will seem familiar. This is a similar play style. The theme reminds me of Zelda. Except, this one's like a 10 second loop. I really feel like this game got ideas from Warcraft 3. You can unlock "Miranda Silverbow" She was a forest ranger, encountered Necronator, fatally wounded, the Necronater, impressed by her skill, trapped her soul. Sound familiar? Sylvanas Windrunner(Warcraft 3), a forest ranger, was killed by the recent undead superpower, Arthas, and, he "captured her soul" and, she was forced to serve him(technically the Lich King) I think Arthas viewed her as powerful too. Also, you have Orc Grunts, grunts are an Orc unit in Warcraft 3... Well, I'll let these pass, it's a Flash game, not a pro one, but, since this is similar to Infectonator, I have high hopes. The game's kinda fun, I see that they were going for more tactics, but, I prefer Infectonator. And, like Infectonator, it got boring.

Now, there's one game on Kongregate I stil play every once and a while, it's kinda cheap to pull this one since it's on a lot of sites, I even have it fucking bookmarked!

Desktop Tower Defense

Tower Defenses apparently originated in a game I've mention multiple times. Warcraft 3! At least, apparently, that's where the creator got the idea. It's a mod for Warcraft 3. This game is fun and challenging. It is quite pesky to upgrade all of the pellet towers. Also, maze.

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