Monday, June 7, 2010

I'm such a nerd.

Okay, we all do crazy things when we're bored, right? Well, I happened to be bored in class, Science, to be exact, I decided to make a diagram, a Starcraft related one. It's important to remember the Zerg, referring to themselves as the Swarm, act like one, which is what makes a Hive Mind. All of their "buildings" in Starcraft are really big organs. So, I made a diagram of how the Swarm acts as an organism.

The Overmind/Cerebrate/Queen of Blades are the brain, of course, they command and lead everything.

The Lair is obviously the heart.

The The Extractor/Lair, which collects Vespene Gas and Minerals is the Lungs/Mouth/Whatever

The Evolution Chamber is like the Digestive System, it makes use of collected resource

The Drones are like Blood, they do shit.

This is the worst post I've made. Evar.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Starcraft: Frontline

As you can tell by now, I kinda like Starcraft. By kinda, I mean, I love it.
A few weeks back, I decided to read their Graphic Novel series, it looks like it won't have a 5th one now. It's a 4 book long series, as you can probably tell. I'd like to talk to you gentlemen and ladies about the series.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My hunt for an "Addicting" Flash Game: Part 2

If this post seems rushed, that's because I was busy. has been a major disappointment. Kongregate's pretty popular.

"Summon and control the undead forces, conquer the world by killing any human who stands in the way. "

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Videogame's Influence on People Part 1: Strategy Games

Video games influence people. Negatively and positively. I'll continue my Flash hunt series tomorrow, so, this ought to tide you over. I decided to go to some friends who happen to play strategy games. Before I start, let's do a quick analysis of strategy games

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My hunt for an "Addicting" Flash Game

Happy June 1st!

People say Flash Games suck, well, I'm on the hunt for a good Flash game.

I decide to ask my friend, on Skype, "know any good flash game?" without hesitation,