Sunday, May 30, 2010


Do me a favor and play the video. Think of it as, this post's theme song.

Starcraft Follow-Up

Yesterday, I introduced you guys to the world of Starcraft. I doubt many, if any of you, really had your opinion changed of Starcraft after reading that article, but, that's cool too. (Not really) So, we'll talk about Starcraft 2, some of it's changes it'll bring, and, my thoughts about it.


I know, I haven't posted in a while.

For those of you who haven't played it, I'll give a brief description of each race:


The humans. You got the empire, the Confederates, and the Dominion, and various political groups, we're pretty much the bad guys for the most part. Except for Raynor, I won't tell you about him, but, he's just cool.