Sunday, May 30, 2010


Do me a favor and play the video. Think of it as, this post's theme song.

Pirate Bay, isoHunt, Demonoid, Limewire, Bearshare, Kazaa, all terms of modern piracy. Some people even buy t-shirts to show their alliance with these people.
Now, keep in mind, these sites can be used for good reasons, and, they don't promote the use of it's wrongful usage, same with torrenting. That's like saying the people who worked on the Manhattan Project didn't promote war and mass murder. We all know how that turned out.

Motives for Piracy

"freedom of information"
"Too lazy to buy it"
"I'm broke"
"I'm bored, and, I don't feel like being legit today"
"Too bad to buy, good enough to pirate to play[How does that work out, now?]"
Some pirates view themselves as heroes.

But, they aren't, are they? Some are simply Communists. No, I'm not throwing that word out for humor. Communists believe everything is owned by everybody, (kinda) but, in practice, we all know how that turns out.

(18th anniversary of the Tianamen Square Massacre)

Some of them like to stick it to the man, man. They don't deserve that money.

My opinion

Now, let's stop whoring out on pics(pun intended?), and hear my opinions, like anybody cares, right? I, for the most part, don't believe in piracy, because, well, if it's a good game, the company deserves money, right? It essentially is stealing.
Let's imagine this scenario: You used to have an SNES, you particularly enjoyed Super Mario RPG, now, by some odd chance of circumstance, God, himself, yes, God, fries your SNES game(Yes, it is a very rare occurrence, but, this is God we're talking about) and you wish to say, "pirate" a copy of the game so you don't have to buy another copy, plus, if you did, Nintendo wouldn't make cash out of it, so, why would they care? Oh, looks like I get to play my SNES game on my laptop! This is about the only situation it is excusable in, though, some people view it differently. Some say it's "immoral" bullshit, at least in that case. That "immoral" crap is another way of saying "Prop-a-fucking-ganda"