Sunday, May 30, 2010


I know, I haven't posted in a while.

For those of you who haven't played it, I'll give a brief description of each race:


The humans. You got the empire, the Confederates, and the Dominion, and various political groups, we're pretty much the bad guys for the most part. Except for Raynor, I won't tell you about him, but, he's just cool. Also, the Terran have the Ghost, a super special op solider who can go invisible and still fight. They almost made a game centered around the ghosts that got "delayed" permanently. It would've been for the PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube. Expect it to come out when Duke Nukem: Forever comes out.


All about honor and they're psychic(Psionic) not much I can really say about them. The one advisor guy in the SC1 campaign has quite the cool voice though, all of them do. Honestly, they're the true good guys for the most part.


Ruled by the Queen of Blades. They're a hive mind, like the Flood from Halo or the borg. Zerglings absolutely love evolution, and, they're primitive as hell, and their "buildings" are massive organs.

If you've ever played Warcraft 3, the building rules are similar to the ones in Starcraft.

The plot in Starcraft isn't that deep, no deeper than most other games, unless you read the books.

Tomorrow, I will do a follow-up. :D

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