Sunday, May 30, 2010

Starcraft Follow-Up

Yesterday, I introduced you guys to the world of Starcraft. I doubt many, if any of you, really had your opinion changed of Starcraft after reading that article, but, that's cool too. (Not really) So, we'll talk about Starcraft 2, some of it's changes it'll bring, and, my thoughts about it.

Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty will bring many changes. It'll influence the way you'll look at everything. Life, the universe, your significant other, your mom, and everything else.

Part 1: The cover

It looks bad ass. Simple as that. What, you expect me to be a little more detailed? Fine then, jerk. It's a marine, if it wasn't for the detail and expression, it would be boring. What are those on his visor, windshield wipers? Now that I think about it, it's quite practical. If it gets dirtied up, use your windshield wipers! What, is the campaign focused around the Terran? Yes.

Part 2: the 'Campaign'

According to the starcraft.wikia page, it looks like the campaign is focused around the Terran.(Beware: this video will cause you to orgasm)
From the wikia site, it appears there is no Zergling campaign (This is how Blizzard says Fuck you) it's like how in Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne, there was no Orc campaign, unless you consider the sorry excuse as using the bonus campaign and custom campaign it comes with. Though, what seems pretty cool is, like they went with WC3, it seems they'll be going more RPG with this campaign too, you see, as Jim Raynor, you can kinda sorta go two paths, go evil, or go good(like a p*ssy.) But, a campaign which splits is kinda new, not a lot of game's story mode can really do that with the exception of fucking RPG's. Oh, get this, as Jim Raynor, you can actually fucking talk to people like, from what the Wikia article seems like, in an RPG.

Part 3: The Units In and Out
I'll start with the Zerg instead.

According to a Game Informer issue, SC2 is designed to have many, many, units at a time. There's a reason the Zerg are the 'Swarm' it seems they'll be more guerilla tactics. Wonder what it's like to be a stereotypical Muslim in the eyes of an American? Be the swarm! You get green mite-flea things called Banelings that fucking explode. Yes, you read that right.


Would you screw around with this dude? He's probably had more nights with your mom than you've been alive.

Ultralisks get more blades. Overlords can't detect anymore(fuck you too, Blizzard)


Where's my Dragoons? I loved those guys! We got Void Rays though and Colossus. They got Stalkers, which are essentially Dragoons(can I join?)


Where's my Wraiths? Oh, there they are, but, they can only attack land now? wtf? The Reapers seem cool, they only use jetpacks and dual pistols and explosives vs. buildings. You know, exactly like the jetpack elites from Halo 2?

Part 3: Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty: Collector's Edition

You know you want it. It's 100 bucks.
Everyone wants it. Your mom wants it, your teachers want it, even though you may have used them as "target practice" for "Starcraft: Ghost" only to find out when I told you it doesn't come out until Duke Nukem: Forever comes out, your friend wants it, your dog wants it, your gf/bf wants it, I want it, Obama wants it, your cat wants it, your parrot wants it, you know you want to hear it tell you "Orders, sir?" or whenever you have guests he can yell "Give me sumthin to shoot", but least of all, you want it.

Let's examine it, shall we!

Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty Worth: 0(A.K.A. 60) bucks

The Art of Starcraft 2: Wings of LibertyWorth: 15 bucks
167 pages of the "artistic development" Well, I guess if you're bored, or, you want to adminster torture to people by forcing them to be exposed to this, and not the actual game. I'm getting scared thinking about it.

Jim Raynor Dog Tag USB drive(which looks nothing like a USB drive) Worth: 30 bucks
It comes with SC1 and it's expansion! It's also 2GB. Which kind of defeats the purpose. But hey! "Free" USB drive!

Starcraft Comic Issue 0 and Soundtrack CDWorth: 25 bucks
'nuff said

Get a WoW pet, a Terran Thor, and, free DLC from icons n shit)

WORTH: over 125 bucks

Get. This. Game. Now.

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