Sunday, November 22, 2009

Console Gaming VS. PC Gaming

Stick around stay awhile while I talk about a subject which is heavily debated, I'll let you decide which is better for your self.

A long time ago, back in ancient times, the time is 1983, you Video Game Historians (I capitalized it mommy!) should know that Video Games were dying, in America, in the United Kingdom and Japan, Video Games were doing just fine. But in America, there were various things that lead up to the crash.

The market for Atari was being flooded with games left and right. Plus Home Computers were the craze. This ad should explain this with out a word out of my mouth:

1979: Pissed off Atari programmers quit Atari and found "Activision" one of the first 3rd party companies for Atari.Why? Atari wasn't including them in the credits(If they only had credits) and they weren't being paid in terms of royalities from game sales.

1982: "The Worst Game of All Time" E.T. came out. It was one of the first, it would be an oracle telling the world "Movie games suck!

1982: (source is unknown) Mattel representative: "Two years of products have been pushed into the channel in one year, and there’s no way to re-balance the system." The market was flooded and retailers had way too many games.

1985: A console home computer system by the "Nintendo Entertainment System" came out, it would mark the future for consoles. It limited the number of games that could be released by a publisher in one year.

Now, you have the background.
The pros and the cons of each for those who want to move on.

PC Gaming:
-Not only can you play games, you can do other things, if you're on the internet right now, I shouldn't have to explain this.
-More games than there is sand on the beach(This is a metaphor genius.)
-The games are of various price.(Free to over-priced and everything inbetween).
-Some games play better on the PC.(Especially Real Time Strategy and First-Person Shooters)
-You can get the highest-quality graphics.
-Simply upgrade every two years(this can also be a downside as paying a couple hundred every 2 years when normal consoles last about 4)
-It will only cost a few hundred if you use the overclocking method(not recommended if you don't know what you are doing, I'm not responsible for any damage done by overclocking.
-Hacks! Everyone loves replacing Nazis with Pikachus!

-EDIT: finding a good gaming computer is cheaper than what most think, just have to look hard: (Thanks Sebbeh and Grim of for correcting me)
-Not as big screen area(unless you buy a big fancy shmancy gfx card which would cost more than most consoles
-You may have to spend a while getting rid of trialware(When you get a new computer and has a bunch of junky trial versions of software and slowing down your computer) and installing all the random games.

Console Gaming:
-Uses controller which is much better than say, a keyboard.
-Multiplayer only requires additional controllers.
-Usually easier to set up(No installation of a bunch of the games, no removing of trialware.)

-Not as many games
-Some games may not play as well as their PC counterparts.

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